Monday, May 07, 2007

Twelve healthy foods for men

  1. Tomato
  2. Soya bean
  3. Pumpkin seeds, can relief the symptoms of prostrate gland enlargement.
  4. Carrot
  5. Sea foods, rich in Zinc.
  6. Garlic, claimed to be cancer preventing.
  7. Whole meal bread.
  8. Deep sea fish.
  9. Green Tea.
  10. Red Wine. Can prevent stroke.
  11. Fruits.
  12. Water.

A brush with death at the hair saloon

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Lemon Juice prevent s kidney stones

  1. Drinking 28 ounces of lemon Juice daily prevents the recurrence of kidney stones.
  2. Citrate in the lemonade binds with calcium in the urine to prevent crystallization into stones.
  3. Consume o.5 cup of lemon juice mixed with 2 quarts of water daily will produced desired effects.
  4. But too much lemon Juice will erode tooth enamel.

-----Studies by scientists of Duke university