Thursday, October 26, 2006

Coconut oil for healthy skin and hair

Coconut oil is effective in preventing lipofuscin or liver spots due to aging and excessive exposure to the sun.
It also helps to speed up the process of healing damaged skin.
It is effective in controlling dandruff.
Its healing effect is due to the increased metabolism rate which help to remove toxins, replacing damaged tissues and cells and fighting against the germs.
Coconut oil can be consumed or applied externally to produce the above effects.

Coconut Oil is a natural super antiviral,antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal food

Coconut oil is effective in destroying
A)virus which cause the followings:
infuenza,measles,hepatitis C,herpes,mononucleasis.
B)Bacteria which cause the followings:
Stomach ulcers,urinary tract infections, meningitis,pneumonia,sinusitis.
C) Fungi and yeast which cause:
Candiasis, vaginal yeast infections,athelete's foot.
D) Parasites which cause:
Giardiasis and Diarrhea
E) Others

Reference: The coconut oil miracle
By: Bruce Fife, C.N.,N.D

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Coconut oil----potential HIV cure

  • Most bacteria and virus are encapsuled with a coat of fats which constitute the membrane.
  • The fatty acids which made up this membrane are loosely packed which cause the membrane to be fluid like and very flexible.
  • The medium chain fatty acids of coconut oil are very similar to these fatty acids and have an affinity for them.
  • MCFAs are much smaller and thus can easily adhere and penetrate the membrane which cause it to disintegrate.
  • White blood cells then clean up the remaining components.
  • The antimicrobial activities are due to monoglyceride and fatty acids of MCFAs, the most active of which are lauric acids and capric acids and their monoglycerides.
  • Coconut oil which contains 48% lauric acid and 7% capric acids is the oil with most antimicrobial properties.
  • Studies have shown that monolaurin, monoglyceride derived from coconut oil is beneficial to HIV infected patients.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Coconut oil does not increase cholesterol level

As contrary to common belief, coconut oil not only does not increase blood cholesterol level, it may actually decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol level.
Below are some facts about coconut oil:
1) Coconut oil consist of 92 percent saturated fats, 6 percent monosaturated fats, 2 percent polyunsaturated fats.
2) Coconut oil contain 64 pecent medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs).
3) When fat is injested, it is usually broken down into individual fatty acids, and recombined with protein to form small bundles of fat called lipoproteins. The lipoprotein will diffuse into the blood stream where the fatty acids are deposited into the fat cells.
4) MCFAs bypass the above step and are sent directly to the liver where they are digested and converted into energy.
5) MCFAs can thus increase rate of metabolism and can even help to encourage the burning of long chain fatty acids.
6) Eating a meal containing coconut oil will elevate your metabolism rate for the next 24 hours.
7) So combining moderate amount of coconut oil diet with exercise will actually cause you to lose weight!