Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Foods to choose for kidney diseases

Foods to avoid:
Foods which are high in potassium. e.g. Starfruits, banana,honey dew.
Foods with high protein content.
Foods with high purine: Mushroom, peanuts, cashew nuts, internal organs of animals, yugart.
Strong flavouring: Curry, Chilli, mustard.
Soups which have been cooked for a long time
Foods with high content of phosphorous: beans, pistacious yogart,yeast.
Salty foods.

Foods which are beneficial:
Bitter Gourd, alfafa.
Fruits: water melon, pear, apple, lemon, oat
Sweet potato and seaweed, but they are not recommended to be consumed in daily basis.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

How to prevent bringing up obese children?

  1. Refrain from using foods as a reward for your children
  2. Replace soft drinks with pure fruit juice.
  3. Do not cultivate the habit of eating in front of TV.
  4. Provide regular and healthy meals to prevent children from eating away with junk foods
  5. Eat and chew food slowly.
  6. Do not keep a lot of junk foods or foods with high calories at home.
  7. Avoid foods which are high in glycemic index
  8. Look for steamed or baked foods instead of fried foods.
  9. Exercise regularly and limiting the number of hours spent on the TV

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Health problems caused by overweight

  1. Type 2 diabetes: 90% of people with type 2 diabetes in the world are overweight---WHO
  2. Cancer: It is 25-33 % more likely for a overweight person to get colon, prostate, esophageal, kidney and post- menopausal breast cancer.---American Institute of Cancer Research.
  • The causes: Insulin level may increase with increased body weight, cells tend to divide more rapidly under this environment, this increase the risk of cells turning cancerous.
  • Increased female hormones tend to speed up cell division in obese women.
  • Fats tend to trap carcinogens in the air inhaled or food taken
3. Stroke: obese people are 2-3 times as likely to suffer a stroke than the thinner ones.
4. High blood pressure: There is 3-6 times higher risk of obese individuals to develop high blood pressure compare those with normal weights.
5. Cardiovascular diseases.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Niacin (vitamin B3) helps alleviate migraine

General name: vitamin B3

Scientific name: Niacin


  • Soluble in water, can be synthesized in the body using trytophan.
  • The body cannot synthesize niacin if it is lack of B1, B2,B6.

RDA: 12-18mg


  • Promote health of the stomach and intestine.
  • Make skin more healthy.
  • Prevent and alleviate serious migraine..
  • Help in the circulation of blood and help to reduce blood pressure.
  • Help to alleviate diarhea.
  • Help in the process of metabolism to obtain energy.
  • Cure mouth ulcer, prevent foul mouth.
  • Help reduce cholesterol.


  • Pellagra

Found in:

  • Lean meat, wheat germ, eggs, fish,avocados, dates, prunes


  • None, but if given to those with sensitive skin, will cause itchy skin.


  • Water, Alcohol,Food processing,estrogen.

Things to note:

  • If a person is sensitive to sunlight, it may be the early symptoms of niacin deficiency.
  • Taking niacin in the form nicotinic acid ,will cause itchiness in the skin, will improve by using nicotimide.