Saturday, June 03, 2006

Health problems caused by overweight

  1. Type 2 diabetes: 90% of people with type 2 diabetes in the world are overweight---WHO
  2. Cancer: It is 25-33 % more likely for a overweight person to get colon, prostate, esophageal, kidney and post- menopausal breast cancer.---American Institute of Cancer Research.
  • The causes: Insulin level may increase with increased body weight, cells tend to divide more rapidly under this environment, this increase the risk of cells turning cancerous.
  • Increased female hormones tend to speed up cell division in obese women.
  • Fats tend to trap carcinogens in the air inhaled or food taken
3. Stroke: obese people are 2-3 times as likely to suffer a stroke than the thinner ones.
4. High blood pressure: There is 3-6 times higher risk of obese individuals to develop high blood pressure compare those with normal weights.
5. Cardiovascular diseases.

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